You don’t need us to tell you how strange and at times inconceivably difficult the year has been. However, through all of the struggle and hardship, we saw it through—together. And we learned some valuable lessons along the way.
Looking Forward to 2021
- Specialization — Marketing becomes even more important during times of economic uncertainty. Creating a stronger connection to your customers becomes critical. A great to strengthen that bond is through unique, customized print materials. Consider sustainable or reusable substrates such as polyester. Explore elevated finishes and binding options. These are the types of specialized printing services you need and can get from BNP.
- Digital Printing — This is a printing capability that allows us the flexibility to hone the niche value of your business. On-demand, fast and creatively impressive, our digital printing techniques can help you perfect the personalization of your print marketing. In 2021, look to BNP for customization on quick turnarounds.
- Direct Mail — More people stayed home this year. And more people will continue to stay home, work from home, and shop from home in 2021. Why not greet them at their front door every morning with direct mail printing? There’s sure to be an influx of direct mail campaigns across all industries so making sure your print materials stands out is sure to be one of our top priorities in 2021.
- Sustainability — Efforts to increase sustainable business practices is not new. But the same amount of effort five years ago is not enough today and certainly won’t be enough in 2021. BNP Empowered Print maintains strong sustainability practices, protocols and principles. ANd we encourage all of our partners and customers to commit to their own sustainability promises by leveraging our printing capabilities. When it comes to commercial printing, web offset printing, and digital printing, BNP keeps it environmentally-friendly.
Here’s to the Newest Year Yet
We have yet to realize just how severe the economic impact is. We will learn over time. What we can say we learned already is how to be better prepared for a potential next time. At BNP Empowered Print, you have a partner who is prepared to execute our best to help you not survive, but thrive.
The entire team at BNP Empowered Print thanks each of our valued partners for the opportunity to start a New Year unlike any other. We look forward to shaping it together. Happy 2021!